Be Ready!!! There will be a Silent Auction at Harvest Fest for VIP Parking!!

Congratulations to all of our Junior High students who competed in Jonesboro today for the opportunity to be in the Region 1, All-Region Choir. A special congratulations to these students who were selected! Way to go!

WCC Elementary Students who have earned the required Dojo points, will get to attend a dance party during the day on October 31st! The kids are working hard and it shows! Please encourage them to keep it up!

Every week, birthdays are celebrated with Cara McCollum birthday books, and nominated students receive Golden Bear Awards for making good choices and a positive difference at WCC Elementary! Happy Birthday and Congratulations!

Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held This Thursday, October 17, 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 pm School will dismiss exactly 1 hour early. (Car riders at 2:15, bus riders at 2:25)
There is NO SCHOOL Friday, October 18 or Monday, October 21.
K-4 grade parents will sign up for an appointment time with their student’s teacher/s. Appointment times will be available from 3:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Please arrive on time.
If you prefer a virtual or phone call parent/teacher conference, please communicate that with your teacher. You will still need to sign up for an appointment time.
Please stop by our Book Fair!!

School will dismiss one hour early on Thursday, October 17th for parent teacher conferences from 3:00-7:00.

Seniors/Parents- Mrs. Hill will be hosting a senior/parent meeting this Thursday at 6 pm, in the HS commons, during Parent/Teacher Conferences. She will be going over the FAFSA, scholarships and other important senior year information. Please make plans to attend!

Book fair begins Oct. 14. Setting up an e wallet for your child means he or she doesn't have to keep up with their bookfair money. They have a set amount of money in their account to spend!

This week is National School Lunch Week. WCC is celebrating by offering a new lunch menu item every day this week! We have a coloring contest for our K-4 students that we will draw winners for on Thursday. Our wonderful lunch crew has been working hard to get the elementary cafeteria decorated for this week in a Pirate theme!

Admission for tomorrow nights homecoming will be monetary donation with part of the proceeds also going to the food bank back pack program to help those in need.
Homecoming begins at 5:00, with games to follow.

Congratulations to the cast of "A Seussified Christmas Carol!".
All actors, crew, and parents please sign up for the Remind messages at https://www.remind.com/join/8hbka8 or by texting @8hbka8 to 81010.

Thank you to all who voted WCC as Best of the Best School in the The Daily Citizen Readers Choice Awards! Congratulations also to Pharis Smith, Mark Wagner, Gary Hoover, Katey King, Leighan Johnson, and Marianna Thompson! It's a Great Day to be a BEAR!!

With Basketball Season about to start we want to remind our students of the expectations for behavior in the gym and at games.

The WCC Student Council invites you to our annual Homecoming Dance in the high school commons on Saturday, Oct. 12. Tickets are available at the door for 12 dollars; concessions will also be available for purchase. Junior high students can arrive at 5:00, and the planned departure time is 7:00. High School students are invited to arrive at 7:30, and the planned departure is at 9:30. This year's DJ is local celebrity Who’s Dat CJ. Come and support the WCC Bears. See you for a night of fun; it’s always a great night to be a bear. Proceeds will benefit our local children’s Christmas Fund.

We love Cara McCollum Birthday Books!!

Flu vaccine forms are due back tomorrow, Tuesday, October 8. The clinic will be held Friday, Oct 11 at 8:00 am. Community members are welcome but we ask that you contact the school so we can have an accurate count.

Thank you WCC Ag and AGFC for working with our 6th graders in the fishing derby. They all had a great time.

Auditions for A Seussified Christmas Carol are tomorrow, October 8th!
Here’s a checklist for what you need:
☑️ Filled out and signed audition form, front and back (packets are in the offices)
☑️ One of the sides (page of lines in the back of the packet) prepared
☑️ Come sometime between 3:45PM and 6PM in the band room to audition (each audition will take 10 minutes or less)
☑️ A good attitude!
Auditions are closed (meaning no one else auditioning for the play will be in the room while you audition). Results will hopefully be posted on Wednesday afternoon! We can’t wait to see you there!

WCC's Homecoming Cheer Clinic for K-6 will be this Saturday, October 5th from 9:00 am-12:00pm at the Cub House. This will be our only practice. Cheerleaders need to wear a t-shirt, & shorts/leggings with tennis shoes. They will also need a water bottle, & snack. We will be performing at the pep rally on October 11th during the school day and that night for the Homecoming game. More information will be given soon.

Homecoming Spirit Week is next week Oct. 7th-11th. Join us in showing your school spirit all week long!